Plastic Free July: Bathroom Edition
face polish plastic free july shampoo bars soap

Using less plastic is a constant work in progress, here are some ways I've reduced plastic in the bathroom over the years. Toothbrush - The one bamboo I first tried the bristles fell out fairly quickly, so I wasn’t sure this was a switch I’d be making. However, I persevered and somewhere along the way I tried Bam Brush and haven’t looked back. I pick mine up locally at Second Nature Home Boutique on Commercial Street. Floss - Dental floss is single use and typically plastic, however there are more and more compostable options available which can likely be found at your local soap refill shop or...
Soap Initiative & Handwashing 101

Washing hands with soap and water is one of the key public health practices that can significantly decrease rate of a pandemic and limit number of infections, and therefore helps prevent overburdening the health care system. During these times, as a business owner, I am grateful to produce a product that the world needs more than ever. To that end, I've committed a set of all soap production moving forward to regular soap donations to local shelters. Backtracked to the last equipment upgrades (end of 2019), which helped immensely ramp up production and prepare enough stock specifically for a busy (now cancelled) Spring event season, I've currently committed to weekly donations...